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Resources for adults

The Big Number Natter

Whether you love it or loathe it, everyone has something to say about maths.

Talking about numbers makes them a little less scary and you often find out you're not alone! The Big Number Natter is all about starting a conversation to help us feel better about numbers. 

On this page you'll find other resources too that you can use in your own time, like tips for Maths Anxiety and the National Numeracy Challenge


Grab your free Number Natter resources

Talking points

6 talking points to get you started with quick number natters. These informal talking points can be the starting place for real positive changes in attitudes.
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Tips for talking to adults about maths

Lots of us who dislike maths find talking about it uncomfortable. Here are a few tips to make your number natter a bit easier.
Tip sheet preview

Making maths work for women and girls

Rachel Riley talks to fellow National Numeracy ambassadors Katya Jones and Iona Bain about why women lack number confidence and what can be done about it.

Rachel, Katya and Iona share their own experiences and explore why women are twice as anxious about using numbers and maths as men.

Dr Linda's confidence boosting tips

Psychologist Dr Linda shares her tips for feeling more confident with numbers, and in other areas of life and learning too!

A lack of confidence is one of the main things holding people back from brushing up on their numbers. Watch Dr Linda talk through her tips and download her tip sheet. See if her wise words can help you!

Download tips

Watch these 'real life' Big Number Natters

How do numbers make you feel? It only take a few minutes to watch our real life number natterers share their feelings and their stories.  Find out how feeling good - or bad - about numbers has affected their lives at work and at home. From getting better at managing money, to helping kids with homework...numbers are everywhere in our lives. Let's start sharing how we feel about them!

Some more new perspectives on numbers

See maths and numbers from a new cultural, political, and special needs education perspective here.

Confidence building resources

If you're not feeling quite ready to 'natter about numbers', we've got some additional tips and resources that you can use in your own time to build your number confidence.

Check them out and share them with anyone who you think might find them useful. 

6 Tips For Overcoming Maths Anxiety

Almost all of us will feel maths anxiety at some point, be kind to yourself by trying these 6 tips.
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5 tips for getting confident with maths at work

At work we all want to be seen as competent, professional and confident, but low confidence with numbers can get in the way of this. Try these tips to feel better about numbers.
5 tips thumbnail

Mr MoneyJar's 6 Tips For Money Management

Our ambassador Timi Merriman-Johnson AKA Mr MoneyJar shares 6 practical tips to help you manage your money, and three reasons why maths is great for money management.
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Iona Bain's Tips for Feeling Better About Numbers with Dyscalculia

Our ambassador and finance expert Iona Bain talks gives some tips - based on her own experience - on how you or your child can feel better about numbers if you have dyscalculia.
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5 Day Habit Tracker

Doing something for a week can really start to embed a positive new behaviour. When it comes to numeracy, building up good new habits can really start to make numbers easier.
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30 Day Habit Tracker

Once you do something for a whole month, it is a new habit. Use this resource to instill a new positive habit so you can get on a little better with the numbers in your life.
30 day tracker

Real life stories

However you feel about maths and numbers, you're not alone. Read the stories and experiences of people we work with.  

Can you see yourself in some of these stories? People of different ages and backgrounds have overcome their anxieties about numbers and maths. You can too! Take a look...

Read case studies


What is the Big Number Natter? 

Whether you love it or loathe it, everyone has something to say about maths.

Talking about numbers make them a little less scary and it's a great first step towards improving numeracy too! 


The Big Number Natter is the first ever nationwide conversation about numbers. It’s an opportunity to have a chat about numbers and change lives for the better. The story behind your lucky number, tips for bagging a bargain, calculations in your career or helping kids with homework…love it or loathe it, everyone has something to say about maths!


Half the UK’s working age adults have low numeracy levels, which makes people more vulnerable to debt, unemployment, poor health and fraud – all exacerbated by the cost-of-living crisis. But everyone can improve their numeracy and talking about numbers is a fantastic first step. 


This May! National Numeracy Day is on Wednesday 22 May 2024, so we’ll be number nattering throughout the whole of May.


Join celebrities and experts on social media by sharing your own number stories. Or join the thousands of people holding their own number natter sessions across the UK, by hosting your own at school, college, work or in your community.


Get inspired - Use the resources on this page to get some inspiration to start talking about numbers. 

Share on social - Use #BigNumberNatter to follow the conversation across social media and join in by sharing your own number natter.

For organisations and schoolssign up to National Numeracy Day to get step-by-step guides, conversation starters and more, so you can organise a number natter where you are. 

If you do one thing, do this...

However you feel about maths, you’re not alone. The National Numeracy Challenge is a free and easy-to-use website you can use to improve your confidence with numbers, in your own time and at your own pace.

It’s ideal for brushing up, checking your level, or for catching up on learning you missed, and it’s all about the maths you need in daily life and at work – no algebra or trigonometry.

Image showing the Challenge on a computer monitor

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More from National Numeracy Day 

To access content to help children, including our Number Heroes Competition, head over to the main National Numeracy Day page. 

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