Use our free tool to start improving your numeracy today
Get startedMultiple choice maths quiz
Enjoy maths games? Find out your numeracy level in a fun and easy way. Our multiple choice quiz adapts to you as you go.
Take The Challenge
The National Numeracy Challenge is a free, web-based learning tool. It's designed to help you improve your everyday maths skills in manageable steps, whilst building your confidence along the way.

Your results explained
You will receive a breakdown of how you did in the 5 areas of numeracy and tips on how to improve using our learning pages.

Available on mobile
Take the Challenge on the go - doing as little as 10 minutes a day can make a huge difference.

Putting you at ease
The Challenge was created to help you and guide you on your journey to improve your numeracy. Here are some of the reasons why it's so easy to use and so useful.

Multiple choice answers
Each question is multiple choice and uses examples of everyday maths.

No timer
There's no timer or progress bar so you can take your time to think.

Adapts to you
The questions adapt to you and only step up when you're ready.

Save your progress
Take it at your own pace, have a break and come back whenever you need to.
Who we are
We are National Numeracy, a charity set up in 2012 to raise the levels of numeracy in the UK among both adults and children. The Government's 2011 Skills for Life report found that 49% of adults in the UK have the numeracy expected of primary school children, we want to change this. Our online Challenge is a free, confidential way for adults to test and improve their numeracy.

People we have helped
Still not convinced numeracy is for you?
Watch this video and see if our celebrity ambassador Rachel Riley can persuade you.