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Wiltshire Council is getting confident with numbers  

Have you ever said: ‘I don’t do maths’? Or maybe: ‘I’m not a numbers person’? 

Lots of people find maths difficult and feel anxious about it, but numbers play a big part in life at home, work and school. Whether it’s making the most of your money, feeling more confident at work, or helping kids with homework, numbers play a starring role!

prize draw


As part of our partnership with National Numeracy, we are inviting you to take part in our Checktember Challenge prize draw to help you brush up on your numeracy skills by spending just 10 minutes a day on the National Numeracy Challenge.

Follow the steps below to brush up on your skills between 1st September and 30th September 2023 and you will be entered into the prize draw. Only entries registering using the unique link on this page will be counted.

Your scores will remain confidential, they will not be shared with Wiltshire Council.

Terms and conditions. 

The National Numeracy Challenge (NNC) online learning resource: 

Step 1:

Register on the NNC and take a quick check of your skills.

Step 2:

Work through the learning resources to brush up on your skills and then re-take the quick check at least once during the month. This will help you learn and see your progress.  

Step 3:

All staff that have actively accessed the learning resources and shown an improvement in their numeracy skills between 1st September and 30th September 2023 will enter our prize draw. We have two prizes up for grabs: two winners will receive 1 x £50 Amazon Voucher each. The winners will be contacted via email in early October 2023. The winners’ names and email addresses will be shared with Wilshire Council.

Step 4:

National Numeracy would like to talk to the winners of the prize draw to understand their thoughts and feelings about using the NNC and how improving their confidence and skills with numbers has helped


Click here to get started and register on the National Numeracy Challenge.

Get started

Who we are

We are National Numeracy, a charity set up in 2012 to raise the levels of numeracy in the UK among both adults and children. Our own research and government figures show that around half of adults in the UK have the numeracy expected of primary school children, we want to change this. Our online Challenge is a free, confidential way for adults to test and improve their numeracy.

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