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Gloucestershire County Council builds number confidence with National Numeracy partnership

17 Sep 2024

In 2023, Gloucestershire County Council’s Adult Education Service embarked on a transformative partnership with National Numeracy to deliver the government's Multiply initiative, which aims to enhance numeracy skills across the UK.

The project, initially slow to gain traction, has now gained significant momentum, spreading number confidence through local primary schools, job centres, and large employers like the NHS and the council itself.

By focusing on training 100 Numeracy Champions across the county, the initiative has laid the groundwork for a lasting positive impact on adult education and numeracy in the region.

Overcoming early challenges

The partnership began with challenges, particularly in recruiting Numeracy Champions – key individuals trained to help spread number confidence within their communities. Claire Hanson, Multiply Lead Coordinator at the Council, recalls the slow start. "We struggled initially, with just five Champions against a target of 50 for that first year. But we found our rhythm after six to nine months," she said.

Claire credits much of the success to the council’s “integral” collaboration with National Numeracy, which provided essential resources, knowledge and support. This partnership enabled the council to leverage national campaigns, such as National Numeracy Day, as well as the National Numeracy Challenge, to engage the local community.

Tamsin Roser, Relationship Manager at National Numeracy, noted the importance of persistence. “When we started, it took time to get the ball rolling. But by the end of the year, we were exceeding our targets,” she said. Their strategy started with a focus on the council and grassroots engagement, with Champions from all walks of life helping spread numeracy across different sectors, including schools and community groups. The Champion recruitment drive was also conducted through newsletters and course prospectuses. They then, for the second year of partnership, targeted specific sectors. They have now recruited 75% of Champions for their two-year target.

Tamsin Roser and Claire Hanson celebrate National Numeracy Day with trained Numeracy Champions

National Numeracy's Tamsin Roser and Gloucestershire County Council's Claire Hanson with trained Numeracy Champions on National Numeracy Day

Spreading number confidence across key sectors

The initiative has had a broad reach, including collaborations with local schools, job centres, and the NHS. A significant breakthrough came when the council started working with local maths hubs and primary schools. This led to the training of 14 Champions within primary schools, helping to foster a healthier attitude toward numeracy among staff, parents, and children. “We’re even running a course for parents to help break the cycle of poor number confidence at home,” Claire explained.

The program's impact extends beyond schools. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has become one of the initiative’s biggest supporters, with job centres actively referring individuals to the Multiply program. This partnership has led to the training of Numeracy Champions within job centres in high-need areas like the Forest of Dean, offering much-needed support for job seekers to enhance their numeracy skills.

Another major focus is the NHS. Although navigating the complexity of such a large organisation has been challenging, the initiative has focused on NHS employees, particularly those supporting apprenticeships and new recruits. “The Numeracy Champion training was originally designed for the NHS to help people on their journeys, so it’s the perfect fit,” Claire said, noting that NHS employees are crucial in helping individuals gain Functional Skills qualifications to advance their careers.

Celebrating successes and building legacy

A significant milestone for the initiative was the 2024 National Numeracy Day, where Champions were celebrated for their contributions. The event allowed Champions to connect with one another and the wider community, reinforcing the sense of a shared mission.

Claire Hanson speaks to BBC Radio Gloucestershire for National Numeracy Day

Claire Hanson speaks to BBC Radio Gloucestershire on National Numeracy Day

As the partnership moves forward, Claire believes the focus remains on building a lasting legacy. “The Department for Education is already talking about our legacy; the Champions are a huge part of that.” Long after the Multiply initiative ends, the council plans to continue the work started with National Numeracy, ensuring that the culture of number confidence it has built remains strong in Gloucestershire.

The project’s success is measured not just by the qualifications earned but also by the increase in confidence around numeracy and the empowerment of individuals to engage with numbers in their daily lives. “Even if all we do is get somebody onto the National Numeracy Challenge, that’s a win,” says Claire.

Over 1,000 people in Gloucestershire have now taken a quick check on the National Numeracy Challenge, since Multiply began, with 28% going on to improve their skills and confidence. And of those taking the quick check, 23% were Multiply eligible (aged 19+ and lacking confidence with numbers), with 28% of those then improving their skills and confidence. “It’s not to be underestimated, the impact you can have,” says Claire.

Want to work with us?

If you are a local authority and want to build number confidence in your area, we'd love to help! We can tailor a support package to meet your needs and budget.

If you'd like to arrange a call, simply email [email protected]