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National Numeracy to conduct new research with Experian and partners

5 Feb 2019

New research collaboration to explore relationship between numeracy and credit worthiness

National Numeracy and Experian credit reporting agency have announced a partnership to conduct new research to explore the link between creditworthiness and numeracy. 

The collaboration will bring together a range of organisations involved in financial services, advice and information to consumers.  

National Numeracy

The research follows a pilot project in 2018 in which 1,700 Experian customers completed a series of everyday maths questions using the National Numeracy Challenge and submitted their results to be cross-checked against their credit score 1

National Numeracy Chief Executive, Mike Ellicock, said: “We are looking forward to working with Experian and partners to build upon this initial research to explore and understand this link.  Most of us would benefit from getting better control of our finances and brushing up on our number skills would seem to be a good place to start. 

“At National Numeracy we’ve found that the hardest thing is to get going; but every day hundreds of adults are using the Challenge, our free, confidential online resource to improve and we hope that our work with Experian persuades thousands of others to do so too.”

Try the National Numeracy Challenge now

The National Numeracy Challenge website is free to use at home, at work or on the move. You can assess your current level of numeracy – completely anonymously - and then begin an online journey to help you improve your numeracy and boost your confidence.

Susan’s story

Find out how improving her numeracy skills has helped Susan make better decisions about money

1 In initial research, numeracy data and the credit score data was grouped into quintiles and in 63% of occasions the quintiles matched