Roadshow round-up: National Numeracy Day on tour!
17 May 2024
National Numeracy Day is on 22 May, and for the first time ever we’ve been having our very own roadshow to inspire children and adults across the UK!

Our roadshow calendar began on 24 April with an exciting event in Wigan! Joining forces with our Delivery Partner Maths Circle, we headed north with our ambassador, world poetry champion Harry Baker, to deliver a robots, rockstars, and maths-themed rap/poetry battle. Children from Parbold Douglas CE Academy dressed up as their favourite Times Tables Rock Stars and NumBots, bringing us the ultimate showdown!

Then, on 7 May, National Numeracy Ambassador, broadcaster, writer and maths teacher Bobby Seagull delivered a ‘My Maths Story’ assembly and ‘Maths in the Real World’ workshop for local school children at our lead supporter Capital One’s Nottingham head office. Volunteers from Capital One also shared their stories and experiences with children, to inspire them to see the practical value of maths beyond the confines of the classroom, and make the connection between what they’re learning now and how they’ll apply those skills later in life.

Later in the afternoon, Bobby visited the Dyslexia Association to host a Big Number Natter with support from Experian corporate volunteers and East Midlands Numeracy Champions.
Whether you love maths or loathe it, everyone has something to say about it!

On Thursday 9 May, we ventured to Sheffield, Rotherham and Barnsley with South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority, with Big Number Natters talking place across the region. From managing household finances and helping kids with homework, to discussing how maths makes us feel, the number natters sparked interesting conversations amongst local organisations, trained Numeracy Champions and people accessing numeracy support via the Multiply initiative.

Still to come...
In Wales next week we have corporate volunteers from National Numeracy Day’s founding Supporter KPMG delivering ‘My Maths Story’ assemblies in schools in Cardiff and Llanelli to get kids thinking about how we all use maths every day, in all careers and walks of life.
And on National Numeracy Day itself, our Delivery Partner Education Scotland are hosting online sessions for schools throughout the day. Hear from inspirational people who work in jobs not typically associated with maths, and find out how important number skills and confidence are to their roles and workplaces. All sessions are free to attend, and will be available to watch afterwards.
Volunteering across the UK
And that’s not all – throughout the week, there will be even more of our corporate volunteers heading to schools all over the country to inspire students – including in Belfast, Birmingham, Bracknell, Bradford, Cardiff, Chatham, Exeter, Llanelli, London, Manchester, Nottingham, Portsmouth, Preston, Southampton, and Surrey!