National Numeracy projects develop effective approaches to improving numeracy and put research into practice.
Essentials of Numeracy at 14
Our project with Cambridge Mathematics is looking at what kind of everyday maths skills and understanding young people should have by the age of 14.

Q-Step programme to support social sciences
Eight universities are using our resources as part of the Nuffield Foundation Q-Step programme to help students feel confident with the numeracy involved in their degree.

Brighton & Sussex University Hospitals
More than 1,000 hospital staff have engaged so far with a Numeracy campaign we launched in the summer of 2017.
Becoming numerate in Hackney
We worked with with primary schools in Hackney to get them thinking differently about maths in the classroom and around the school. One year on we measured a positive shift in attitudes among pupils, teachers and parents.

Putting consumers to the test
Over 20,000 people registered to check their numeracy level when we teamed up with and Martin Lewis to get money savers to think about maths.
Numeracy and Financial Capability: Exploring the links
We worked with the Money Advice Service to launch the strongest evidence to date that people with good numeracy skills are more likely to manage their money well.

Parental Engagement
We are working to increase parents’ involvement and interest in their children’s maths learning and to improve their own confidence. We have been piloting the Parent Toolkit website, scrapbook and leaflets with ten pilot schools across the UK.
Firm Foundations for All
We have been running a project to trial different approaches to helping adults with the lowest numeracy skills, piloting Firm Foundations resources in four locations across the UK.

Find out more about how people use our tools to transform attitudes to maths and improve numeracy in their communities.