The National Numeracy Challenge
The National Numeracy Challenge is a free, online learning tool designed to help adults improve their everyday maths skills in manageable steps whilst building their number confidence.
The National Numeracy Challenge is based on maths in the real world – at home, work or supporting children. It is free to the user, can be used on any device, including mobile phones and can be installed as an app.
Posters for staff and parents/carers
We have created posters to encourage school staff and parents/carers to register and use the National Numeracy Challenge to improve their own everyday numeracy skills and confidence using a QR code to access the website.
You could display the staff posters in the staff room and on the staff intranet, and the poster for parents in the school entrance, in newsletters and on the school website.

Video: What is the National Numeracy Challenge and how can it help you?
Share this short video with staff, parents and carers explaining the National Numeracy Challenge.