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Resource bank for children
Here are some of our favourite resources from last year that can be used anytime!
Get rapping with Harry Baker
Get rapping along with Harry or make up their own rhymes. Our poet and mathematician created a number rap activity last year. Have a go – it's brilliant fun!
Dance with Strictly's Katya Jones
Strictly Come Dancing’s star Katya Jones is helping get the nation get number confident with some dynamite dance moves! In a hip-swinging activity Katya helps children boost their number confidence by using movement. There’s nothing to stop the grown-ups joining in too!
Get baking with Peter Sawkins
Bake Off winner Peter Sawkins has created a new recipe just for National Numeracy Day! For this recipie, you don't even need an oven as Peter's rocky-road bars can be made without one! Get baking by using the download button below.
Let's dance with the Numberblocks!
Strictly Come Dancing champion Katya Jones teaming up with the Numberblocks to get you building your number confidence through movement and rhythm.
Download all the activities below...
Fifteen's minute of fame
Who is hiding with Ten in each Numberblock

Fifty is a rock and roll superstar
Count up the 5s as you colour them in.

Sky high fives
Can you find the fives hiding in these times tables?

Five and friends are on stage
Which number is missing?

Five and friends
All these numbers are made up of 'five and a bit'. Show how they're made by colouring them in.

Sign up to National Numeracy Day
Sign up National Numeracy Day and help your school, organisation or community get number confident! You will receive free, fun materials and resources to use and share and join over 9,000 others Champions helping the nation get on with numbers.
Get stronger maths to help your children
However you feel about maths, you’re not alone. The National Numeracy Challenge is a free and easy-to-use website you can use to improve your confidence with numbers, in your own time and at your own pace.
It’s ideal for brushing up, checking your level, or for catching up on learning you missed, and it’s all about the maths you need in daily life and at work – no algebra or trigonometry.